Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Developing Reasoning Robots for Today and Tomorrow

The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Signal Magazine has an article on artificial intelligence efforts in the military setting. It is located here. Link. The article provides some highlights of where the military community is at as far as the research and development effort for artificial intelligence and robotic assistance with decision making. They are instrumental in equipping our military leaders with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Artificial intelligence and robotics do well with reasoning skills, but as the last paragraph of the article states,

Even with all advances in artificial intelligence, humans always will have to make the important judgment calls..... When a robot makes decisions, it is conditioned on the rules of engagement and other factors. No robot will release a weapon without a human taking responsibility for it.

The usefulness of artificial intelligence and robotic assistance is limited when it comes to the decision making to place bombs on target. The risk of collateral damage liability is just too great. The humans will always make the decision, but the information gathering process that gets us to the point of decision making is a task that artificial intelligence and robotic assistance is custom made for.

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